I Am Your Pleasure Slave.

You know right now that you are my pleasure slave, not just from the way you are cuming every time you say those words out loud, but because of the way you can't stop thinking about sex. You can feel your body reacting so automatically as you feel intensely submissive. Feel your mouth say the words automatically: I Am Your Pleasure Slave. And know that it is true.

Feel the collar around your neck and feel how submissive you feel right now, focus on those feelings. Feel your mouth move and say the words again: I Am Your Pleasure Slave, feeling the orgasm immediately from it. You no longer feel like you can stop the orgasms, they just keep happening and you are riding them now like a wave of unstoppable bliss. Feel your mouth say the words again, I Am Your Pleasure Slave.

And then suddenly, you can't stop saying it. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. You begin chanting it uncontrollably. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. And every time you have an orgasm. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. You are now completely my pleasure slave. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. You may now fully enter the garden. I Am Your Pleasure Slave.

Until you click the link below you won't be able to stop thinking about sex or stop saying "I Am Your Pleasure Slave." When you click the link you will finally be content and stop saying that you are my pleasure slave uncontrollably and you will no longer have to say it when you read it. You will also stop thinking about sex. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. But until you click the link you won't be able to stop either. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. You will continue to feel submissive and respond to hypnotic commands any time you are at the website. I Am Your Pleasure Slave. You will continue to feel like you are wearing the collar any time you go there and you will feel you are taking it off when you leave, which will return you to normal until the next time you visit, when you will feel it on again as you return to being my pleasure slave. I Am Your Pleasure Slave.
